Critical Edge
A+B+K,HCB+A+G Devastator
A+B+K,HCB+B+G Heart Exploder
QCF+B+K Fullmoon Fever
A+G Rock Thrower
B+G The Conqueror
QCB+B+G Falling Rock
d/f+A+G The Annihilator
A_B+G Atomic Drop
Combat Moves
A,A,A Cut-to-Pieces
A,B Brutal Slash
A,K Bear's Hunt
B,A Fly Swatter
B,B,B Piston Attack
K High Kick
U/F_U_U/B+A_B Tree Splitter
U/F_U_U/B+K Jump Kick
U/F_U_U/B#K Landing Gut Kick
D+A,B Great Sky Splitter
D+B Gut Poke
D+K Knee Knockdown
f+A,A,A Tidalwave
f+A,A,B Demolition Strike
f+B Elephant Tusk
f+K Rock Climber
f+G Ax Guard Guard Impact
f,F+A,B Tornado
f,F+B Battle Ax
f,F+K Buffalo's Charge
d/f+A Woodcarver (Stuns on C)
d/f+B Elephant Trunk
d/f+K,A Wild Slash
u/f_u_u/b+A_B Split Wood
u/f_u_u/b+K Short Jump Kick
u/f_u_u/b#K Short Landing Gut Kick
d+A Power Cut
d+B Bury the Stake
d+K Sweep Kick
d/b+A Discus Thrower
d/b+K Horizontal Sweep Kick
b+B Headbutt
b+A+B Pouncer
S+A Brutal Smash (Stuns on C)
S+B Royal Hunt
S+K Stomach Smack
Running K Sliding Kick
A Dodging Tree Faller
B Dodging Tusk
K Dodging Low Kick
When Opponent Down
U/F_U+A_B Huge Spike
U/F_U#A_B Tree Splitter
f,F+A,B Tornado (B will hit)
d/f+A+G The Annihilator (feet must be toward)
u/f_u+A_B Short Spike
u+K Wishbone
While Back
A Reverse Tree Faller
B Skull Splitter
K Reversed Kick
D+A Ax Sweep
D+B Low Tusk
D+K Sweep
When Knocked Down
A_B Gut Slicer
When Weapons Locked
A Unlocking Ax
B Unlocking Overhead Ax
K Unlocking Sweep